Thursday, June 11, 2009

And I want to marry Derek Fisher...

I again I must say... the Lakers played an intense game there! I was starting to loose hope that they weren't going to win this one... and Derek Fisher made those 2 three-pointers.. and I believed again! haha. It was a good game... real intense.

Anyhow, I want to watch a movie... I haven't been to the theaters in over a month i think. I don't even know what new movies are out, that's how far from the loop I am! haha. I don't know who to go with...

I wont be seeing robert tomorrow as I thought I would. He'll be home tomorrow... I just wont get to see him. He checks out from the dorms at 5ish or something like that... but he's going to have dinner with friends. So with that side... it'll be 3 weeks since i've seen him. Boo!

So any suggestions on what movie I shall see tomorrow?

I'll check to see what's even out!


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Darn the selfishness...

Being home sucks... I hate it... I'd rather be somewhere else them home. Yes it's sad but hey, you would say the same if you were in my position. I can't wait for 2 weeks from now! I'm actually excited to start summer school! I hope piano will be fun... if not hmph!

My friend IMed me today... and she was high as a kite and she asked me to video with her. It's weird, I really don't approve of people doing drugs. Well that's not the weird part, the weird part is she was high. She isn't the type of person to do that... but after being away at college.. she seems to be a totally different person. She was my best friend... but I just can't call her that anymore. It's like college made her wild.

How does college change someone so fast? I haven't changed at all, I'm exactly the same person as I've always been. I don't know, I'm just not good with change all that much. And what's worse is I asked some of our mutual friends for help, none of them seemed to care much to help me out with her. Isn't that sad? Great friends they are.

Not only did they not help me, neither did Robert. I can understand why he didn't help. One is because he was asleep... well he fell asleep right after I asked him to help. And this is were I talk about selfishness... It's sucks that I haven't been able to talk to him in awhile. Mostly it's because he has finals this week, but honestly the longest conversation we had... was like 15 minutes... by text... and he takes the LONGEST time to reply. So in reality it's less then 15 minutes.

Gah that makes me sound selfish. I just want to talk to him, and I know he's busy... but I hardly get to see him anyways... and not being able to talk to him makes things worse...


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Carnival Ride...

Well today was interesting... considering I didn't think I was gonna do anything... but guess what?!


I've never been to a carnival... so it was my first one EVER!.. it was alright, it was kind of small though.. so there wasn't a lot of rides....

Haha.. my friend, brenishe had texted me out of random asking me if I wanted to go... and I was excited to go! It ended up being her, her brother Alex and his gf.

I got on this one ride... Kamakazee.. and it goes like back and forth.. and then it goes faster and goes all around in a circle, and your upside down for like 30 seconds... it was scary! haha...

I had some filipino food... which was pretty delicious... but man do the egg rolls look weird! they're soooo skinny and small... it was like one of my fingers! haha.

Well all in all.... today was fun! I didn't think I would do anything today... and I did! YAY!


Friday, June 5, 2009

TGIF? I guess...

It's Friday... It's supposed to be a good day, right? Then why is it so craptastic?
The highlight of my whole day, was eating pupusas! Cause they're delicious and cause my mom hardly cooks.

Bleehh... =/ what a day...
and just a little while ago, I guess robert and I ended our conversation on the wrong foot. I'm not even sure how.. or why?

Ehh... what a gloomy day! even the sky looks gloomy.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Lakers are AMAZING!

The Lakers OWNED Magic!! HAHA!

Awesome Game 1!! They keep playing like that... or just much better... The will win the Finals!!

KOBE'S AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!

haha... anyhow.. I went with my friend, brenishe.. to go get some pho...
Verdict: It was alright..
I thought it was gonna be like OMG orgasmic... but it was eehh... I could have eaten something much better...

So, I'm home and whatnot and im done watching The AWESOME Laker game... and now i'm just watching family guy...
just waiting for my robert to call me... cause he's working on his final project which is due... at 9... he's still in school sadly :(
but just one more week and he'll be back with me! yay! <3

OMG! i can't wait for summer classes... i know it's weird... but i'm gonna take PIANO! and i've always wanted to learn!! so im excited eekK! :]

Blogger Virgin! :]

Hey Hey Hey...!!
Yea.. So I've never really blogged.. in my entire LIFE!.. But i thought it might be interesting, cause I think waaaay too much...
might as well write it somewhere! :] friend lease made me want one
Follow her: :] she's awesome...

So it's summertime! WOOT WOOT! I'm sooo happy about that... I'm tired of school! I just finished my first year in college... I was
ready for it to be over 2 months before it actually was! haha... Sadly the school I go to was my first choice.. but now that i'm there... I want OUT!

Sad about that. :(

I thought it was gonna be awesome... but it turned out to be ehh.
I dormed it. Turned out okay.. until towards the end... my roommate was official EVIL. >.<
she had some racist comments about my people.. I'm hispanic.. I was the only non-white person in there... The other two were
awesome.. except her.

College. Ugh. I thought people were more opinion-minded and RESPECTFUL!

Ayy dios mio.

Anyhow... Today I'm going out for pho. Never had it... But my friend wants to go.. and I want to try it.. Hopefully it's good..
cross your fingers!

AHH! Think she's here... and I'm not ready... grr.! haha...

